This page contains links to sanctuary reports that summarize our scientific research and monitoring efforts.
A more comprehensive listing of scientific publications and articles associated with sanctuary research, is available on our Research Publications page.
Annual Research Reports
The purpose of these reports is to document the activities of the Flower Garden Banks Research Team during each fiscal year (October 1st to September 30th).
2023 Research Report
Photo: Tiffany Crumbley
2022 Research Report
Impact Reports
These reports provide a summary of pressures on sanctuary resources and the potential impacts of those pressures.
Condition Report 2009-2021
Marine Debris on Reefs and Banks in the Vicinity of Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary
Strategy for Stony Coral tissue Loss Disease (SCTLD) Prevention and Response at Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary (ONMS-21-06)
- A plan to for research, prevention, education, preparedness, early warning, response, and intervention strategies for coping with SCTLD in the sanctuary, should it ever occur.
Increasing coral calcification in Orbicella faveolata and Pseudodiploria strigosa at Flower Garden Banks (2021)
- Climate monitoring data and coral cores show that two key coral species in the sanctuary have increased calcification in the past 45 to 57 years, indicating that these corals have actually benefited from warming ocean temperatures over the last few decades..
Biological Considerations of the Effects of Spearfishing
- A summary of research regarding the impacts of spearfishing on biological communities.
Long-Term Monitoring Reports: East and West Flower Garden Banks
These reports summarize fish and benthic community observations and water quality data collected from East Flower Garden Bank and West Flower Garden Bank long-term monitoring study sites. The annual long-term monitoring program began in 1989 and is funded by NOAA’s Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary and the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, with support from the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation.
For long-term monitoring reports prior to 2011, please visit the BOEM website.
Long-term Monitoring at East and West Flower Garden Banks: 2023 Annual Report
Long-term Monitoring at East and West Flower Garden Banks: 2022 Annual Report
Long-term Monitoring at East and West Flower Garden Banks: 2020 and 2021 Annual Report
National Coral Reef Monitoring Program FGBNMS 2020 Status Report (part of a series of reports on the status and trends of U.S. coral reefs)
Long-term Monitoring at East and West Flower Garden Banks: 2019 Annual Report (ONMS-21-02)
Long-Term Monitoring Reports: Stetson Bank
Stetson Bank is an uplifted claystone/siltstone feature located within Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary, which supports a diverse benthic community of sponges and coral. Annual monitoring of the bank crest has been conducted since 1993. Surveys of the mesophotic zone surrounding the bank crest were added in 2015.
Stetson Bank Long-Term Monitoring: 2023 Annual Report
Stetson Bank Long-Term Monitoring: 2022 Annual Report
Stetson Bank Long-Term Monitoring: 2020 and 2021 Annual Report (ONMS-22-02)
Stetson Bank Long-Term Monitoring: 2019 Annual Report
Other Research Reports
Mapping, assessment, and other research activities are summarized in various reports, as needed.
Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary Science Needs
Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary Mapping Projects, 2017-2020
Baseline Ecological Assessment of Artificial Reef, High Island A-389-A: Pre- and Post-partial Structure Removal
October 2008: Hurricane Ike Impacts at FGBNMS
October 2005: Hurricane Rita Impacts at FGBNMS
Sponges of Deepwater Communities in the Northwestern Gulf (2012)
Fishes of Deepwater Communities in the Northwestern Gulf (2007)