Mesophotic Species

Bushy white coral and leafy red algae on a deep reef
Black corals and octocorals are only found at mesophotic depths within the sanctuary. Photo: FGBNMS/UNCW-UVP

The mesophotic habitats of the sanctuary often include species not found in the shallower habitats, such as black corals and gorgonians. However, there is some habitat crossover with other species.

The following posters were compiled as a way to catalog species found in the mesophotic communities of the northwestern Gulf of Mexico, both inside and outside the sanctuary. Images were collected during remotely operated vehicle (ROV) explorations conducted by Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary (FGBNMS) with assistance from the University of North Carolina Undersea Vehicle Program (UNCW-UVP).


Sponges of Deepwater Communities in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico (2012)

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Poster full of different sponge images with scientific name listed under each
Photo of sponge poster. Click on image for a higher resolution photo. Credit: FGBNMS/UNCW-UVP


Fishes of Deepwater Communities in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico (2007)

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Poster full of different fish images with scientific name listed under each
Photo of fish poster. Click on image for a higher resolution photo. Credit: FGBNMS/UNCW-UVP