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Below is a collection of other video clips that just don't seem to fit any of our other categories.

To view a video, simply click on play button (>) in the video controller at the bottom of the window. A brief description of each video is provided below the window.

Mohawk ROV

This video shows the Mohawk Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) on its inaugural voyage along the reef cap at the Flower Garden Banks. Divers were in the water with the ROV to take video and still images and make sure it was operating properly. (October 2013).

0:00-0:06 Title page - National Marine Sanctuary Foundation, University of North Carolina-Wilmington's Undersea Vehicles Program and Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary are proud new owners, operators and users of an R.E.T. Mohawk Remotely Operated Vehicle.

0:06-0:21 Side view of the ROV maneuvering above the reef with the umbilical line trailing it to the left.

0:21-0:29 View from the other side of the ROV as it maneuvers over the reef with the umbilical line trailing to the right.

0:29-0:38 Front view of the ROV with the umbilical line rising behind it.

0:38-0:48 Front view of the ROV up in the water column with the umbilical line rising behind it and several fish swimming in the background.

0:48-0:55 The ROV and umbilical line underneath the hull of R/V MANTA with a scuba diver nearby taking photos.

0:55-1:01 Credits - National Marine Sanctuary Foundation provided funding for the purchase of this vehicle. Footage taken by Emma L. Hickerson at the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary during the ROV's inaugural voyage October 28, 2013.

Video Length: 1:01

Credit: FGBNMS/Hickerson

Dolphins at Stetson Bank

During a research trip in May 2013, researchers were treated to a visit from a large pod of Atlantic Spotted Dolphins at Stetson Bank. R/V MANTA deckhand Julia O'Hern was able to capture this video footage while snorkeling.

Video Length: 0:32

Credit: FGBNMS/O'Hern

Dolphins Riding Bow Waves of R/V MANTA

On the way to East Flower Garden Bank in August 2016, researcher Michelle Johnston captured this video of spotted dolphins riding the bow waves of R/V MANTA.

Video Length: 0:21

Credit: FGBNMS/Johnston

2013 Long-Term Monitoring Cruise

Every year, sanctuary researchers collect long-term monitoring data on the reefs of Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary. This includes running photo transects, taking repetitive photo station images, and fish surveys, among other activities. And, of course, random observations of what is happening during these dives.

0:00-0:05 Title page - NOAA's Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary, East and West FGB Long Term Monitoring, 2013

0:05-0:11 A Chub (Kyphosus sp.) swimming up to the camera.

0:11-0:21 A scuba diver with a long t-frame camera setup taking a photo at a repetitive photo station on the reef.

0:21-0:31 A scuba diver laying a random transect line by unreeling a measuring tap across the reef in a specified direction.

0:31-0:38 Moving along a transect line as it lays across the reef.

0:38-0:47 A scuba diver with a short t-frame camera setup taking photos at a specific point along a reef transect, then picking up to move further down the line.

0:47-0:54 A scuba diver swimming in the midst of a school of Bar Jacks (Caranx ruber) over the reef.

0:54-1:03 A large invasive Lionfish (Pterois volitans) hovering just above the reef.

1:03-1:18 A scuba diver using a Hawaiian sling spear to capture a large invasive Lionfish (Pterois volitans) then stuff it into a PVC tube called a Zookeeper for safe keeping.

1:18-1:42 Side and overhead views of a Manta Ray (Mobula birostris) swimming up in the water column with two remoras attached on top of it's head. Flecks of plankton in the water catch the light and for a brief moment, the dive ladder of R/V MANTA is visible above the manta ray.

1:42-1:59 Belly view of a Manta Ray (Mobula birostris) swimming over and past the camera in open water with the sun reflecting off the waves at the surface.

1:59-2:10 Several Great Barracuda (Sphyraena barracuda) and a Horse-eye Jack (Caranx latus) in blue water with a large school of Chub (Kyphosus sp.) and Bar Jacks (Caranx ruber) in the background.

2:10-2:45 A group of three Mobula Rays, each with at least one remora attached, gliding above the reef in formation. Camera pans behind this group and picks up a fourth Mobula Ray with remoras. Video continues to follow the group of four as the slowly swim away across the reef.

2:45-3:06 Belly view of a single Mobula Ray (Mobula sp.) with attached remoras. The ray slowly glides, then turns and shudders, sending ripples through its fins.

3:06-3:18 Following from slightly above and behind the same Mobula Ray (Mobula sp.) as it swims past a school of Great Barracuda (Sphyraena barracuda)and away from the camera.

3:18-3:48 Belly view of a Mobula Ray (Mobula sp.) swimming near the surface of the water where ladder lines are trailing behind R/V MANTA. The camera gets closer until it is following directly behind the Mobula Ray as it swims away.

3:48-3:56 Scrolling credits - Funding provided by: National Marine Sanctuary Foundation, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, NOAA's Flower Garden Banks NMS. Vessel Support: R/V MANTA, Blue Star Marine. Diving support: Ryan Eckert (FGBNMS), John Embesi (FGBNMS), Emma Hickerson (FGBNMS), Michelle Johnston (FGBNMS), Kaitlin McGraw (FGBNMS), Marissa Nuttall (FGBNMS), Julia O'Hern (FGBNMS/Blue Star Marine), Doug Peter (BSEE), Randy Rudd (GRNMS), G.P. Schmahl (FGBNMS), Michael Shetler (FGBNMS/Blue Star Marine), Jams Sinclair (BSEE), Scott Sorset (BOEM), Amanda Sterne (TAMUG), Matt Stout (TAMUG). Video by FGBNMS/Emma L. Hickerson.

Video Length: 3:56

Credit: FGBNMS/Hickerson

Stetson Bank Monitoring Sequence

Long-term monitoring has taken place at Stetson Bank since 1993. As part of this monitoring, photos are taken at specific locations on the reef, year after year. then compared to identify changes in species composition on the reef. Every attempt is made to get the same size reef section with the same camera orientation each year, but you will notice slight variations.

This video sequence shows a series of photos taken at Pin 28 at Stetson Bank from 1993 to 2008.

For more information about the challenges of long-term reef monitoring, please visit our Monitoring page.

An educational activity using photo sequences is also available. You can download the Reef Monitoring lesson from our For Teachers page.

Video Length: 0:32

Credit: FGBNMS/Nuttall

weather report observations cool stuff get wet

Juvenile blue tang (fish).  Bright yellow body with irridescent blue marking around eye and at top edge of dorsal fin.
National Marine Sanctuary logo - a stylized whale tail above waves