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The Manta Catalog consists of a series of images and sighting information for individual mantas that have been seen at Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary or nearby banks.

Each manta ray has been placed in a category depending on its unique underbelly markings. However, some manta rays' markings might be interpreted differently by different people, so be sure to look at all of the preview images to find the manta you are trying to identify.

This page includes additional images of mantas M27, M28 and M33, including larger versions of the images from the Mostly White preview page. These mantas have undersides that are mostly white.

Sightings and additional observations about these animals are also noted on this page.


Belly view of manta ray M27 swimming to the left.
Manta M27
West Flower Garden Bank, Buoy #1
Photo credit: Hickerson/FGBNMS

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Belly view of manta ray M28 swimming toward the photographer
Manta M28
East Flower Garden Bank, Buoy #2
Note: Observed with M35
Photo credit: Hickerson/FGBNMS

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Belly view of manta ray M33 swimming toward the photographer.
Manta M33
East Flower Garden Bank, Buoy #4
Note: Tagged (3484 or 3483)
Photo credit: Gary Merritt

Belly view of manta ray M33 swimming to the left.
Manta M33
East Flower Garden Bank, Buoy #4
Note: Tagged (3484 or 3483)
Photo credit: Gary Merritt

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Manta Catalog Preview Images

Additional manta ray images can be viewed at the following links:

  • Spots - individual has spot-like markings
  • Squares - individual has square-like blotches
  • Spots and Squares - individual has a combinationof spots and square patterns
  • Mostly Black - individual is predominantly black/gray with few other markings
  • Mostly White - individual is predominantly white with few other markings
  • Tagged - individual possesses a tag on its dorsal side

For more information on identifiying manta rays, please visit the Manta Catalog page.

For information on manta ray research that is taking place in the sanctuary, please visit the Manta Ray Research page.

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Juvenile blue tang (fish).  Bright yellow body with irridescent blue marking around eye and at top edge of dorsal fin.
National Marine Sanctuary logo - a stylized whale tail above waves