Videos of sanctuary Sharks and Rays
Here's some guidance on how to interact appropriately with manta rays when you see them. Remember, sanctuary regulations prohibit you from touching or harassing any rays or sharks.
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All of the following sharks and rays are found within the coral cap region of the sanctuary (0-130 ft, 0-40m deep). Common names are listed, if known.
Common Name |
Scientific Name |
Spotted Eagle Ray
Aetobatus narinari
Video |
Southern Stingray
Hypanus americanus |
Roughtail Stingray
Bathytoshia centroura |
Manta Ray
Threatened Species (2018)
Mobula birostris
Video |
Lesser Devil Ray |
Mobula hypostoma |
Sicklefin Devil Ray
Mobula tarapacana
Video |
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Common Name |
Scientific Name |
Sawfish |
Pristis sp. |
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Common Name |
Scientific Name |
Spinner Shark |
Carcharhinus cf. brevipinna |
Silky Shark
Carcharhinus falciformis |
Blacktip Shark |
Carcharhinus cf. limbatus |
Bull Shark |
Carcharhinus leucas |
Dusky Shark |
Carcharhinus obscurus |
Caribbean Reef Shark
Carcharhinus perezii |
Sandbar/Brown Shark
Carcharhinus plumbeus
Video |
Tiger Shark
Galeocerdo cuvier |
Nurse Shark
Ginglymostoma cirratum |
Smooth Dogfish |
Mustelus canis |
Gulf Smoothhound |
Mustelus sinusmexicanus |
Whale Shark
Rhincodon typus |
Atlantic Sharpnose Shark |
Rhizoprionodon terraenovae |
Scalloped Hammerhead Shark
Sphyrna lewini |
Great Hammerhead Shark |
Sphyrna c.f. mokarran |
Atlantic Angel Shark |
Squatina dumeril |
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Early work on elasmobranchs at Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary was conducted by Jeffrey N Childs (2001), a graduate student from Texas A&M University.